Monday, January 26, 2015

The Projection Room -- Art Lives Here!

To those not familiar with Milwaukee, the art museum here is perhaps one of the most unusual and beautiful edifices in the art world. This is why I chose my home town art museum, The Milwaukee Art Museum, to be the first setting for “The Projection Room” series.

The second book takes place in Chicago, across from the Art Institute of Chicago, but the seminal event that starts the series, begins here, and this museum is always referenced either directly or indirectly in the subsequent books. I’ll discuss some of the paintings that are featured in book one from time to time, but for readers of the book that are unfamiliar with Milwaukee — this short video will be helpful when reading the book and trying to imagine the setting as well.  Enjoy!

And don’t forget that “The Projection Room: Two from the Cubist Mist” is available on

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